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found artists: jonathan higbee

“over the years i have been able to develop my eye and sense of anticipation to more easily spot uncanny coincidences...

"...but every once in a while my gut will tell me that some element i’ve come across on the street has potential to become a successful image,

"...even if it’s nothing special just yet.”

i've always loved coincidences.

although seemingly methodically constructed, planned, oriented, and too-good-to-be-true, jonathan higbee's images are instead a result of patience and a good eye. 

"coincidences is my love letter to new york, and to the infinite number of magical, ephemeral and serendipitous moments that make it a city unlike any other."

higbee's work is quite literally the kind of work i wish i could do, using the kind of skills i wish i had. patience? not really there yet. 

being able to make something very real be magical (which i think is what these photos are for me) is an ability i can only hope to achieve. or, at least, learn to garner. 

coincidences are the best kind of instances. (i meant that rhyme and i am sorry). they are irreplicable and serendipitous, and that's what makes them special.

and my god, when you get them on camera, you will treasure them forever.

happy snow day.


a color study: orange

axel oswith | othello grey | dan rubin | faithcouch | mike lyon | ferrian reynaldi | motokimokito | lukasph | yumna

i have been in a creative rut recently. i'm trying to get back into photography again after my 2 month-long hiatus in the fall. (remember that documentary i'd been working on?). i've been curating images a lot. i've done a curation in the past of parallel images of people and weird things on the street

but let's start new. 

here's orange. 

on another note, i haven't talked about what's going on in my life lately. it's almost december. thanksgiving is over. fall is (close to) being over. i'm in the midst of senior life and nearing the end of my teenagedom. what???

i just finished my senior yearbook page. 

i just submitted my college applications.

i just turned eighteen. 

i just made a movie. 

i just presented in front of a board of trustees.

i just got my driver's license. heck, i can drive.

i just booked my own flight. 

i just started dancing.

i'm doing all these new things. i feel good. 

dear izzy of 2018, you did good in 2017.