
the tree

personally, the merry holiday feelings do not begin until my family and i pick a christmas tree. in this sentence i effectively used diction; from the use of the word 'pick', we can extrapolate that izzy selectively chooses her trees, meaning that she rejects all other trees until she finds the perfect one. we once again witness the human condition to strive for perfection, even if that means hurting the feelings of poor trees in the process. 

BAM. english analysis studying done. QED. oh look, geometry studying done, too. 

this week is crammed with before-break tests, quizzes, and assessments– too many? never... but it's overwhelming at times. during my study sessions and work periods, i enjoy listening to covers of classic holiday songs and ballads to keep reminding myself that the winter break is near.

as i was saying before i went into my tree analysis, today we drove upstate to select the perfect arboreal figure. now in the Rael family, there's a lot that goes into consideration when choosing a tree: its height, its color, its fullness, its ability to fit in the stairwell, its scent, and other beneficial factors. we ended up deciding on a full, 11-foot tree with green pine needles and a blue-grey underside, while also having an extremely prominent pine-y smell. i say it's perfect. truly perfect. it's pretty bare at the moment, but it will be filled with ornaments by tomorrow morning.

let the holidays begin.

have a lovely sunday, everyone. 

p.s. below is the playlist that i listen to during the holidays. enjoy.

p.p.s. happy last consecutive date of the century.

izzy's xmas wish list







'tis the season of gift giving... it's inevitable that i might have a few desired gifts this year. i realized that as i grow older my christmas list becomes more minimal, both artistically and, well, literally. this christmas i'm eying a few bold items (from left to right):

1/ i've always wanted to touch this bubble necklace whenever i visit the moma store. what a statement piece.

2/ eames. red. rocking chair. enough said. 

3/ this mug is so rad. i always see them around the shops in williamsburg..

4/ my mum has a iacoli & mcallister necklace like this one. but this one is way cooler.

5/ noguchi lamps = life. i think i need another one...

6/ "but mom it's a house nightlight!"

7/ this mason jar candle smells like heaven. fig heaven.

8/ i am love with everything associated with building block. especially this bag.

9/ a stainless steel ring? count me in, please.


what is on your wish list this season? 

have a stress-free weekend everyone!