
Posts in i take photos
a whole month went by


it's been a good long while.

i've been traveling around the u.s. and abroad for various reasons... mostly preparing myself for the year ahead as i take on applying to college. 

yeah, i'm applying to college this year.

i don't really believe it either. 

i'm slowly realizing how much i'm growing up. not completely, but a little more fast that i'd like. 

i think i'm going to be ready though. i'm ready for a new push into life and a slow close of what i think is adolescence. 

i've been writing a lot, just not here obviously – supplements and essays and drafts about me and who i am. that's a bit weird... a quite large portfolio of autobiographical writing. 

i went out today with my friend and took photos for the first time in a long time. i've never actually done street photography before. this was my first shot at it. i kind of love it. 

summer's halfway over. i'm just a little ways there.




this 4-day weekend

for the past 3 days or so, henry and i have been traveling new york city. i've been taking video and shots and everything nice and stuff, so be on the lookout for that sort of thing in a bit.

here was our itinerary:



la esquina, little italy

– morgenstern's finest ice cream, lower east side



– brooklyn bridge, brooklyn

smith canteen, carroll gardens

– brooklyn heights promenade + piers



ost cafe, east village

stumptown coffee, west village

saigon shack, west village

– minetta lane, west village

the high line, chelsea


and we're off.